Friday, October 05, 2007

Lynnie Marie and Me :)

I found a little munchkin (cousin) of my own in WY! What a blessing that God can bring moments of joy to even the most tragic and grievous occasions. Thank you Kelly for sharing this pic!


tsduff said...

Yay, he posted!!!

Cool Joe - love that pictures. It was a sad day, but the faces in the picture are loved.

Say - Sal has a different blog -

you should update your link.

tsduff said...

The boy has fled his blog.... never to return?

trumpetsavage said...

Unfortunaely when the school-time, she-comes - the free time, she-goes!! :( I do make a guest appearance every once in a while though! :)

tsduff said...

Okay my Italiano son... whats a matter you - whenna you commin back?

tsduff said...


Sally said...

Hey, I didn't know you had a blog. :) I found it quite accidentally. Who would have thought Con Sordini would be you? But when I clicked on the link there you were with my precious Lynnie. :)

Hope everything is going well for you. I don't see any underwear on your head and yet you sound awfully like a certain Master of Disguise.

I hope to see you this summer,

trumpetsavage said...

Hee hee! Indeed, I was very tempted to put the underwear on the head, but grandpa got mad at me and took it away! ;o) I don't get to post on my blog very often - seems life is just too busy to keep up anymore! Elli and I are trying to work out plans out for this summer to see you guys. We haven't gotten there yet though.... Thanks for the post!